矿工氡子体个人累积暴露量估算规范 GBZT 270-2016
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尿样中总α总β放射性检测规范 GBZT 269-2016
电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准 GB17781-2002
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医用X射线CT机房的辐射屏蔽规范 GBZ/T 180-2006
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放射性性腺疾病诊断标准 GBZ107-2002
ICS 13.100 GBZ C60 中华人民共和国国家职业卫生标准 GBZ107-2002 放射性性腺疾病诊断标准 Diagnostic criteria for radiation induced gonad diseases 2002-04-08发布 2002-06-01实施
GBZT 261-2015 外照射辐射事故中受照人员器官剂量重建规范
GBZT 220.3-2015 建设项目职业病危害放射防护评价规范 第3部分:γ辐照加工装置、中高能加速器
GBZT 201.5-2015 放射治疗机房的辐射屏蔽规范 第5部分:质子加速器放射治疗机房
放射治疗机房的辐射屏蔽规范 GBZT 201.4-2015 第4部分:锎-252中子后装放射治疗机房
Lyon, France, 21 October 2015 – New results from a study coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, show that protracted exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation increases the risk of death from solid cancers. The results, published today in The BMJ,1 are based on the most powerful study to date and provide direct evidence about cancer risks after protracted exposures to low-dose ionizing radiation.
辐射防护用参考人第4部分:膳食组成和元素摄入量 GBZ/T 200.4—2009
不同年龄公众成员的放射性核素年摄入量限值 GB/T16142-1995
事故应急情况下公众受照剂量估算的模式和参数 GB/T17982-2000