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Tylenol use during pregnancy linked to behavioral problems in children

[日期:2016-08-16] 来源:UPI/华东公共卫生  作者:华东公共卫生 编译 [字体: ]



      BRISTOL, Conn., Aug. 15 (合众国际社 UPI)   对乙酰氨基酚,通常被认为对怀孕期间疼痛和发热治疗是安全的。但一项新研究表明,对出生后的孩子有影响。

BRISTOL, Conn., Aug. 15 (UPI) -- Acetaminophen -- most commonly in the form of Tylenol -- is generally considered a safe method of treating pain and fever during pregnancy, but new research in England suggests it has an effect on children after birth.
Behavioral problems in children ages 5 to 7 was linked to maternal use of acetaminophen during pregnancy, though researchers at the University of Bristol say the risk should be weighed against not treating health conditions of a pregnant woman.
There was no information on dose or length of time acetaminophen was used during pregnancy. Researchers say, however, the overall link between the drug and higher risk of behavioral problems is concerning.
For the study, published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, researchers analyzed data on 7,796 mothers participating in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children in 1991 and 1992. The study collected data on mothers and children, with information on acetaminophen use collected at 18 and 32 weeks of pregnancy, and then when children were 7 years old.
Among the women, 53 percent used acetaminophen at 18 weeks pregnant and 42 percent used it at 32 weeks. Use at either of the two times was linked to higher risk of conduct problems and hyperactivity symptoms.
Use at 32 weeks was also linked to higher odds of emotional symptoms in children, as well as increased risk of overall difficulties.
While researchers say the study indicates the link between the drug and behavioral issues is due to some type of intrauterine mechanism, they say more research is needed to flesh out the link and establish causation.
"Further studies are required to elucidate mechanisms behind this association as well as to test alternatives to a causal explanation," researchers wrote in the study. "Given the widespread use of acetaminophen among pregnant women, this can have important implications on public health advice."

    1 含有对乙酰氨基酚的小儿抗感冒 神奇小儿新速效感冒颗粒,时美百服宁,小白糖浆,泰诺口服液,海王小儿速效感冒冲剂,护彤小儿感冒冲剂,思普诺儿童伤风素片,娃娃灵口服液。
    2 中西药配伍用的抗感冒药 如速感宁胶囊,感冒灵胶囊,维C银翘片,999感冒冲剂,感特灵。
    3 西药抗感冒药

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