1月23日,家住江苏省南京市玄武区月苑小区的李阿姨在买菜途中突然摔倒,造成左髋关节及左腕关节骨折。南京市急救中心城北急救站急救人员接警后,立即出车对伤者给予外固定患肢等急救处理后,送往医院救治。东南大学附属中大医院急诊科和门诊部的统计资料显示,23日、24日周末两天,该院先后接诊20多名骨折病人。通讯员国立生 本报记者程守勤摄影报道
♥ Being lonely increases your risk of heart disease and cancer, a study found
♥ Scientists looked at the link between relationships and health at each age ♥ Loneliness when young is as dangerous as physical inactivity, they said ♥ And, hypertension often stems from loneliness - not diabetes - in old age ♥ Thus, those who aren't lonely have a longer life expectancy, they said Tips for 2016
Learn how you can live a safer and healthier life: ♣ Protect yourself from injury or disease by wearing a helmet, sunscreen, orinsect repellent when necessary. ♣ Make an appointment for a check-up,vaccination, or screening . ♣ Wash your hands often with soap and water to prevent the spread of i... 1.Brain
Become addicted. Nicotine from cigarettes is as addictive as heroin. Nicotine addiction is hard to beat because it changes your brain. The brain develops extra nicotine receptors to accommodate the large doses of nicotine from tobacco. When the brain stops getting the nicotine it’s used to, the result is nicotine with... Shape Your Family’s Habits (塑造你的家庭的习惯)
当今世界上大多数人都有望活到60岁以上,这是史无前例的。伴随着生育率的明显下降,人均预期寿命的增加正导致全球人口迅速老龄化。与此同时,世界人口老龄化的进程也比过去明显加快。 年老并不一定意味着健康状况不良。老年人面临的许多健康问题都与慢性疾病有关,特别是非传染性疾病。这些疾病中的大多数可以通过采取健康行为而预防或延缓发... 勤练腹式呼吸可以锻链肺功能。腹式呼吸即丹田呼吸,重点是呼吸气息力求细、长、慢、匀,松;让意念至约脐下的丹田。练习一段时间後,便会感觉吸气时,气息直入小腹。