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cancer 的搜索结果
   IOWA CITY, Iowa, Jan. 9(合众国际社 UPI)爱荷华大学的研究人员已确认,大剂量维生素C是如何杀死癌细胞,是什么起着至关重要的作用。
http://ecphf.cn:82/Cancer/2017-01/3987.htm日期:2017-1-11 9:54:16
♥ Being lonely increases your risk of heart disease and cancer, a study found
♥ Scientists looked at the link between relationships and health at each age
♥ Loneliness when young is as dangerous as physical inactivity, they said
♥ And, hypertension often stems from loneliness - not diabetes - in old age
♥ Thus, those who aren't lonely have a longer life expectancy, they said
http://ecphf.cn:82/Women-Children-Elderly/2016-01/3387.htm日期:2016-1-6 7:36:49
Estimated numbers (thousands) Men Women Both sexes Cases Deaths 5-year prev. Cases Deaths 5-year prev. Cases Deaths 5-year prev. World 7427 4653 15362 6663 3548 17182 14090 8201 32545 More developed regions 3244 1591 8616 2832 1287 8297 6076 2878 16913 Less developed regions 4184 3062 6747 3831 2261 8885 8014 5323 15632 WHO ...
http://ecphf.cn:82/Cancer/2014-09/2504.htm日期:2014-9-19 7:23:43
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was founded by Resolution of the World Health Assembly in September 1965. At this time, although data were sparse, cancer was widely considered to be a disease of westernised, high-resource, industrialised countries. Today the situation has changed dramatically, with the majori...
http://ecphf.cn:82/Epidemiology-Statistics/2014-09/2502.htm日期:2014-9-18 7:41:34
    无病生存期(Diseasefrce survival,DFS)的定义是指从随机化开始至疾病复发或由于疾病进展导致患者死亡的时问。该指标也常作为抗肿瘤药物Ⅲ期临床试验的主要终点。某些情况下,DFS与总生存期(OS)相比,作为终点比较难以记录,因为它要求认真随访,及时发现疾病复发,而且肿瘤患者的死亡原因也很难确定。肿瘤患者常有合并症(如心血管病),这些合并症可能会干扰对DFS...
http://ecphf.cn:82/Cancer/2013-05/1779.htm日期:2013-5-14 8:46:50
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