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dementia 的搜索结果
http://ecphf.cn:82/Nutrition-Food/2024-05/6919.htm日期:2024-5-15 8:27:09
   3月10日(合众国际社 UPI)--约翰霍普金斯大学的一项研究表明,中年人的血压暂时下降会导致晚年痴呆症。
http://ecphf.cn:82/Elderly-Health/2017-03/4071.htm日期:2017-3-11 8:00:53
When she was 71, Sun Yuhua started to lose her memory. She kept forgetting what she had just said or done. She would repeat the same question again and again and fail to remember the answer. Worst of all, she could no longer manage to perform simple household chores.
http://ecphf.cn:82/Elderly-Health/2014-02/2204.htm日期:2014-2-28 8:36:12
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