需要开展进一步研究,了解痴呆症并寻找有效处理痴呆症方法。Tatum Anderson与Carol Brayne访谈录。
Feb. 21 (合众国际社 UPI)--根据在法国进行的一项大型研究显示酗酒是各种类型痴呆症最重要的可预防危险因素。
2017年12月 重要事实 痴呆症是一种综合征,体现为记忆、思考、行为和日常活动能力衰退。虽然痴呆症主要影响老年人,但它并不是年老的正常情况。全世界大约有5000万痴呆症患者,每年新增病例1000万。阿尔茨海默病是痴呆症最常见的形式,可能占痴呆症病例的60-70%。痴呆症是全世界老年人残疾和依赖他人的主要原因之一。痴呆症对患者本人,以及他们的护理...
Plaques that build up in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients, disrupting and contributing to the death of neurons, may be an immune response to pathogenic infection. This, researchers say, suggest the build-up may be preventable, and as a result the disease may be preventable as well. Photo by Juan Gaertner/Shutterstock
When she was 71, Sun Yuhua started to lose her memory. She kept forgetting what she had just said or done. She would repeat the same question again and again and fail to remember the answer. Worst of all, she could no longer manage to perform simple household chores.