Reported Incidence and Death Rate of Infectious Diseases
Incidence Rate
(1/100 000)
Death Rate
(1/100 000)
Deaths per
100 Patients
1985 872.33 2.00 0.23
1990 292.22 1.15 0.40
1995 176.24 0.34 0.19
1996 167.05 0.34 0.21
1997 192.11 0.33 0.17
1998 194.80 0.31 0.16
1999 197.63 0.27 0.14
2000 185.98 0.26 0.14
2001 188.62 0.29 0.15
2003 192.18 0.48 0.25
2004 244.66 0.55 0.22
2005 268.31 0.76 0.28
2006 266.83 0.81 0.30
2007 272.39 40.99 0.36
    注:1990年以前报告的传染病包括鼠疫、副霍乱、白喉、流脑、百日咳、猩红热、麻疹、流感、痢疾、伤寒副伤寒、病毒性肝炎、脊髓灰质炎、乙脑、疟疾、黑热病、森林脑炎、羔虫病、出血热和钩端螺旋体病19种; 1990-1995年包括24种传染病(病种见后页,不包括新生儿破伤风和肺结核);1996-2002年包括26种传染病(病种见后页,不包括传染性非典型肺炎)。
    Note:  The  reported  infectious  diseases  before  1990  included plague , paracholera ,
diphtheria,pertusis,epidemic encephalitis,scarlet fever, measles, influenza, dysentery,typoid & paratyphoid  fever, viral hepatitis,  poliomyelitis, encephalitis  B, malaria, kalaarza, forest encephalitis,   tsutsugamushi  disease, hemorrhage  fever  &  Leptospirosis. The  reported  infectious  diseases  from  1990  to 1995  were  24  kinds (listed  in  the  next  page, except  newborn  tetanus & pulmonary tuberculosis). The  reported  infectious  diseases from 1996 to 2002 were 26 kinds(listed in the next page,except SARS).