Income and Expenditure of Government Hospitals in 2007
综合医院  中医医院
  General Hospital TCM Hospital
Number of Hospitals
9565 5693 2209
平均每所医院总收入(万元) 5125.2 6594.1 2610.3
Income Per Hospital(10 000 yuan)
   #业务收入 4689.4 6092.7 2362.6
      Business Income
         #医疗收入   2486.6 3259.4 1142.4
           Medical Income 
           药品收入  2115.5 2726.7 1171.8
            Drug Income 
平均每所医院总支出(万元) 5003.5 6432.8 2577.8
Expenditure Per Hospital(10 000 yuan)
   #业务支出 4886.0 6310.3 2506.5
     Business Expenditure
          #医疗支出  2835.2 3677.9 1363.3
            Medical Expenditure
            药品支出  1992.6 2561.2 1120.2
            Drug Expenditure 
年内病人欠费率% 0.99 0.96 1.19
% of Outstanding Payment
among Patients
门诊病人人均医疗费用() 128.3 131.2 101.3
Medical Expense per Visit(yuan)
出院病人人均医疗费用() 4911.5 4901.6 3775.0
Medical Expense per Inpatient(yuan)